Saturday, September 28, 2013


Sullivan would like to join this man's website.

"Actually, I already just post to Matt's Facebook & Twitter."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Cool Technology

A Von Neumann probe built by Epson [note: not really by Epson.]

Robohelicopters which, if the previous post wasn't about a space printing, would be the coolest thing you'd read today.

I also got my hand on the Mars trilogy, which is filling a sci fi gap I've had in my reading recently, since I've been focused so much on reading about real science on decision-making and heuristics. Consider this a day to tell me about cool technology and/or science fiction.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Strange Dreams

Last night, I dreamed I was some sort of mystery zoo wrangler. This included recapturing a platypus [with wings] as large as a mid-sized sedan, a winged Komodo dragon that could camouflage itself and one escaped, suicidal giant [in which I mean, eight-foot tall] panda.

The thing that sticks out to me the most? "A suicidal panda? That makes sense; they are the Charlie Browns of the animal kingdom." I don't know who or what said that in my dream, but it was such an insight into the mind of the panda, I wanted to share.

Psychoanalyze at your own peril.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

To Add or Not To Add, That is the Question

Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The 'twerks' and 'selfies' of outrageous Oxford,
Or to take pen against these buzzworthies,
And by unliking end them: to squee, to say
"Whatevs!" And to tweet to say we must end
The 'LOLs,' and the shocks of a thousand 'OMGs'
That English is heir to?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Candy Stores

If the White House candy store is open, does that mean tours have resumed?

NANOWRIMO is in November. The blog is slow as I prep for that.

And play Final Fantasy 14.

... and World of Warcraft.

Look people, I'm just weak.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Director Never Made Casting Calls in Character Again

"LF young, petite cross-dressing female to fly on command, kidnap darling children, sing."

-- It's Labor Day, what were you expecting?