I'm archiving this blog so I can try focusing my writing on my interests. Namely: writing, fiction, gaming and history. The blog was supposed to be a place to talk nerdy without boring all of my Facebook friends. This blog became stagnant and lost the identity it originally had. If you go to the first post, you can see what I wanted it to be before it became more and more generic.
That isn't to say that there isn't some good stuff in this blog. There is! But, I think it is time to move on and create one that is cleaner to work with and stays true to the original identity. Not only that, but you'll notice inconsistent updates (sometimes months between updates!) and tag proliferation, broken links, and all sorts of blogging sins. It just is too bloated and wonky to work with to salvage.
I hope to have the new blog set up in time for NaNoWriMo 2018, but, we'll see!
Either or, it was a good run! Enjoy looking through the archives!