Friday, August 30, 2013


In trying to avoid the more depressing and/or offensive news stories (Syria/Private Schooling Your Kids Makes You Evil), instead, read this. Which, were pandas not cute and cuddly, may not have caused such vociferous disagreement or been published at all. But, at least it gives me an excuse to link this.

More substantive posting will return once I have a new writing project.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

RPG Maker Game Update

Actually playing and trying to break my own game in RPG Maker is really flexing problem solving skills I had long since let atrophy. It gives me a new sense of respect for the QA big games have to go through to get published. Think, in a fairly minimalistic sprite-based RPG, in the first two real rooms of the dungeon, I had nearly half-a-dozen game breaking bugs (using a certain skill causes a crash, saving/loading breaks event scripts, door won't reopen, etc., etc.) Imagine how much more complicated bug shooting, say, Eden Prime or the Human Noble's origin story must have been.