Sunday, February 10, 2013

Seen on the Metro

Since I'm stuck in a spot where I don't know what to write next, I have posted this without comment.

Seen on the Metro.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dear Sullivan, 3

"I'm Sullivan!"
Matt is working on finding things out about a part of mints. Probably the tasty parts, I guess. That's science, that is. I think he likes science because it lets him poke at things he shouldn't poke at. That and sometimes you get to blow things up. I hope he doesn't blow up any of the mints; I like to lick them when he's not looking. Then I laugh when he eats them, and he doesn't know why. Eat stuffed cat germs you stupid human.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dear Sullivan, 2

I received such a tremendous following yesterday, that I have decided to once again chip in and help Matt out today. Yesterday he was busy watching a movie with too many dogs and not enough cats, and today he's apparently watching a movie about super heroic place settings. I just don't get human entertainment; I suppose it is the simple things in life that keeps them entertained. Some day, I will explain the intricacies of the feather on a string to him, but for now, to the mailbag.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dear Sullivan, 1

Like many of you yesterday, I saw that the blog would not be happening this weekend. This could not stand. Without the the hits, we don't get the money. Without the money , I don't get the fish. I need the fish. To solve this problem, I have stepped in — on my day off, mind you — to ensure the hits keep rolling. Matt would put a post to an actual hit here, so to keep the mill-you the same, I have done so. Matt uses big words; I do not. I think that makes me smarter: Do more with less. Your questions are "below the fold," which I think means you click MORE. Go ahead and click MORE.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blogless Weekend

Alas, there is no blog this weekend. Take it up with the temp.

"I'm Sullivan!"